
Orijinal adıyla Fiddler on the Roof yahudi temalı bir müzikaldir. Yarı müzikal desek daha doğru olur. Fakir ve geleneklerine bağlı fakat bunu sorgulayan bir çevrede geçer film. Bazen ikili konuşmalarla,bazen de şarkılı atışmalarla gelenekleri yorumlarlar. Filmin müzikleri hala sevilmekte. Zaten kazandığı 3 oscarın biri de John Williams imzalı müziklerinden. If i was a rich man , Tradition , Anatevka ve diğerleri..
Filmin süresi 3 saat olmasına rağmen diyalogları ile pek sıkmaz. Müzikal sevmeyenlerin müzikli kısımlarında sıkılacağını da pek tahmin etmiyorum ama belli olmaz.
(türk sinemasında da uyarlanmış bir versiyonu mevcut)
Tevye: As the good book says, when a poor man eats a chicken, one of them is sick.
Mendel: Where does the book say that?
Tevye: Well, it doesn't say that exactly, but somewhere there is something about a chicken.
Tevye: As Abraham said, "I am a stranger in a strange land... ”
Mendel: Moses said that.
Tevye: Ah. Well, as King David said, "I am slow of speech, and slow of tongue."
Mendel: That was also Moses.
Tevye: For a man who was slow of tongue, he talked a lot.
Tevye: As the good book says, if you spit in the air, it lands in your face.
Tevye: A fiddler on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But here, in our little village of Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck. It isn't easy. You may ask 'Why do we stay up there if it's so dangerous?' Well, we stay because Anatevka is our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word: tradition!
Tevye: Traditions, traditions. Without our traditions our lives would be as shaky as, as... as a fiddler on the roof!
Hodel: We only have one Rabbi, and he only has one son. Why shouldn't I want the best?
Tzeitel: Because you're a girl from a poor family. So whatever Yente brings, you'll take. Right? Of course, right!

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