
bu durumda ne derler? o zamanda bu filmi çekmek güven - özveri - tecrübe ister.. bunun gibi bi şey işte..Charlie Chaplin 'de bunlar oldukça mevcuttu sanırım:)
Ustanın baş ucu eserlerinden..
Adenoid Hynkel: How wonderful! Tomania, a nation of blue-eyed blondes.
Garbitsch: Why not a blonde Europe, Asia, America?
Adenoid Hynkel: Blonde world...
Garbitsch: And a brunette dictator.
Adenoid Hynkel: Dictator of the world!
Adenoid Hynkel: Declare war on Napaloni.
Garbitsch: Napaloni?
Adenoid Hynkel: Yes, Napaloni!
Adenoid Hynkel: Listen, you blockhead. Mobilise every division of the army and the air force. Proceed to Bacteria and attack at once.
Garbitsch: But war will be the end of us.
Adenoid Hynkel: Do as I tell you.
Garbitsch: Madness.
Adenoid Hynkel: Shut up!
Garbitsch: Very well. Would you sign this?
Adenoid Hynkel: Yes, I'll... what is it?
Garbitsch: The declaration of war.
Adenoid Hynkel: Then I'll sign it. A pen! Und stratz mit ze uldensackt. I'll sign it! Und stratz mit sei öldensackt, il der, der flutens... , der... , der... , und strippensackt! A pen! I'll sign it. Napaloni, de grosse peanut, de cheesy ravioli. There!

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